Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Professionalism Nonverbal Communication and Facial...

Professional Dress Questions Q1) Do you think Mindy dresses appropriately for the medical facility? Why or Why not? A: No. Her hair has different colors and the outfit she is wearing is revealing and street like. Also, she made no attempt to hide her tattoos, she has facial piercings and she is wearing flip-flops. Q2) Mindy is always clean and sharp; she spends way more time than most people getting ready for work. But does her personal â€Å"style† detract from the facility’s aire of professionalism? A: Yes. The patients and other staff members will not be able to take her seriously since she does not take the time to look more suited for the environment in which she is†¦show more content†¦I guess she does not have the capability to multitask. In scene 3, the woman is smiling which invites the patient to approach her and ask any questions or for help. In scene 4, the woman is more interested in painting her nails. The woman in scene 3 would be more likely to provide Mr. Colin with a pleasant and helpful experience. His future business at this clinic is probably guaranteed. Q2) Do you think facial expressions and body language play a big part in professionalism in the health sciences? A: Yes. When communicating with people in person, facial expressions and body language is observed. These two things can tell people if you are listening, bored, upset, interested, nervous, happy or annoyed. It is important to be aware of the body language and facial expressions presented to your co-workers. Q3) Think of a time when non-verbal elements changed the outcome of a communication. What were the circumstances? A: I was at a friend’s house and I asked her a question. She shrugged her shoulders and raised her eyebrow. Being the person that I am, I felt these gestures were rude and an argument ensued. Q4) Can people use non-verbal signals to help resolveShow MoreRelatedNonverbal Communication in Foreign Culture vs My Culture1212 Words   |  5 PagesFind examples of the types of nonverbal communication that are specific to a foreign  culture and compare these to your own culture.  Ã‚  Analyse how the nonverbal communication of both cultures could impact upon business dealings between the two. Nonverbal communication is the act of communicating without speaking, and instead involves the use of gestures, facial expressions and body language and is an important part of how people communicate, sometimes more powerful than verbal interaction, and makesRead MoreThe Body Language Of Rachel Notley Video Https932 Words   |  4 Pageswas able to establish her thoughts not only verbally, but with the uses of her body language as well. Being defined as nonverbal communication, body language is known for its versatility in daily interactions. 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Emotions are powerful feelingsRead MoreEssay about The Values and Beliefs of Human Services1187 Words   |  5 PagesLatoya Richardson The Values and Beliefs of Human Services October 11, 2010 BSHS 322 Communication for Human Services Mrs. .Amy Donaldson Introduction In order to be a Human Service agent you must have discovered your values and beliefs. When you discover your values and beliefs you are underlying what you can do for your clients, what attributes you can offer them, and setting up a foundation for providing great care. Values and Beliefs All clinical interviewing is embedded in a systemRead MoreBehavior Health Technician ( Bht ) At Children Hospital Of The King s Daughters Essay1261 Words   |  6 Pagestrying to infringe her feelings on me. As a result, I immediately presumed I could handle the situation. To my surprise, the client was a large African American nonverbal autistic male. The patient appeared to be almost four sizes bigger than I was. I sat down, trying to keep my composure and avoid communicating my fears in a verbal or nonverbal matter. From that point forward, I was challenged with putting my own words into action: â€Å"I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.† The patient took offRead MoreThe Role of Emotional Intelligence in Communicating1185 Words   |  5 PagesCommunicating involves nonverbal and verbal actions and behaviours where a shared meaning is created between two people and the intended message has been correctly deciphered by the receiver according to Higgs et al. Communicating within a health care environment is a very important factor in terms of efficiently caring for clients and creating an optimistic outlook. This is evident as most complaints and complications relate to poor communication within a workplace. Higgs et al. states that three

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