Saturday, December 21, 2019

Rap Music And Its Influence On African American Youth

Music and society have always been closely related. For years now music has been apart of people’s everyday lives all around the world. Having so many different genres out there, it makes it easy to be appealing to so many different ethnic backgrounds. However, one type of genre in particular has seemed to grab the attention of a younger generation. Rap music has undoubtedly had its utmost impact on African American youth, since many of the performers themselves are African American. An overtly masculine culture dominates rap music and creates gender stereotypes that become abundantly popular to the youthful audience. Three constant themes that are found within the rap culture are encouragement of violence, the misogynistic representation of women, an extreme hatred of homophobia. Each theme plays a detrimental role in the process of defining black masculinity as well as shaping the values, morals, and beliefs that its younger audience adopts after tuning into this â€Å"gang ster lifestyle†. Violence is something that has always been associated with masculinity, particularly in the traditional patriarchal society. The strong expectations that are tied to masculinity frequently compel men to display certain attitudes and characteristics such as aggressiveness, power, and even vicious superiority over other men. Given the repression of African Americans, a significant amount of adolescent black men are suffering from a severe self-hatred and a frantic, consequential want toShow MoreRelatedRap Music : Influence On Violent Behavior1379 Words   |  6 PagesRAP MUSIC’S INFLUENCE ON VIOLENT BEHAVIOR IN AFRICAN AMERICAN MALES: A REVIEW Kaland Farrow Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University RAP MUSIC’S INFLUENCE ON VIOLENT BEHAVIOR IN AFRICAN AMERICAN MALES: A REVIEW Rap music is derived from Hip Hop culture which is deeply rooted in the African American community. The word, rap, has a Middle English origin. Originally, rap means to beat or strike. Beginning in the 1960s, African Americans gave the word another definition. In the black communityRead MoreThe Violence Of Rap And Rap1633 Words   |  7 Pagescentury. Rap, over the years has changed in many ways such that it went from being condemned by the public to being mainstream, it is now being used to aid teens with psychological troubles, and more. This leads to the question to be answered: How has the change from condemning drug use and illegal acts in rap to glorifying it influenced youth over the last two decades? The evolution of rap has in many ways positively affected the youth but, equally, has fueled many negative actions of the youth. Rap  TherapyRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Music On The Youth Culture1316 Words   |  6 Pagesfrom research on the effect of violent music, both positive and negative towards African American men, women, and children. The articles also provides information that will support the reason how Hip-hop has such an impact on the youth culture, how Hip-hop is valued, and how the music and its lyrics are interpreted. Changing Images of Violence Rap music lyrics: 1979-1997 Hip- hop has both a negative and positive impact on African American lives. Over the past three decadesRead MoreRap Music : Hip Hop Essay1509 Words   |  7 PagesRap, or hip hop as some call it, ranks in the top ten of most popular music genres in the world. Since it burst on the scene in the late 1970s, rap music changed the landscape of the music industry, especially for African-American artists. The genre accredited some of the biggest names in the music industry. Popular artists like LL Cool J, Tupac, Notorious B. I. G., Jay-Z, Kanye West, and many others produce, or have produced, millions of hip-hop records. The secret to the success of hip hop centersRead MoreMusic Has Been A Form Of Self Expression1292 Words   |  6 Pagesyears, music has been a form of self-expression that has united groups of people through its historical and traditional meaning. In the 1980’s, a new, more diverse genre took over the music industry by storm., Hip-Hop/Rap. This contemporar y genre has raised much controversy over the years from parents, educators, and conservatives. These groups worry that Rap music glorifies negative lifestyle choices such as drugs, violence, sex and gangs; and those lyrics’ influence on youth. Since music is moreRead More90s Hip Hop and Rap1320 Words   |  6 PagesRap and hip-hop first started to come together in the 1970 s, but didn t really materialize and become popular until the 1990 s. With a huge surge in popularity and growth in the 1990 s, it seemed that rap and hip-hop had started a cultural phenomenon that still has noticeable effects easily seen today in music and also in pop culture. A cultural phenomenon is an idea, trend, or movement that shapes and defines that time period. During the 1990 s, rap and hip-hop spread like wild fire acrossRead MoreHip Hop And Hip Rap Music1144 Words   |  5 PagesHip hop music has delivered messages of freedom of expression, unity, peace, and protest against social injustic es, for the past 30 years. But exactly when and where did it begin, and what impact has it had on our society? The hip hop beats created by DJs in the 70s actually sparked what is now known as hip hop culture. Hip hop culture originally included rapping, break dancing, graffiti, beat boxing, and looping and scratching, and has now includes urban clothing and cars, speech patterns and slangRead MoreThe Debate Of Hip Hop Music1509 Words   |  7 Pagescertain genres of music have an impact on the behavior of listeners, whether that impact is positive or negative. Would a person steal because of a song they heard? Would a person murder another human due to the lyrics of their favorite song? Questions like these are often asked and very rarely answered. The main genre of debate: hip hop music. Though the debate continues to go on in today’s society, the answer has never been given. In fact, some research shows that hip -hop music can have a generallyRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Rap Music In Modern Music And Pop Culture1007 Words   |  5 Pagesyou’re king of African music you’re the king because music is the king of all professions† (Fela Kuti: Music is the Weapon). Rap music has been a staple in modern day music and pop culture since its beginning in the 1970’s in the South Bronx area of New York. Rap started as an underground movement started by many artists and DJ’s (or disc jockeys). It started as a form of expressing oneself and discussing many social and political issues through music. But now in the 21st century, rap has changed dramaticallyRead MoreHip Hop Rap Music And Subculture1643 Words   |  7 Pages Hip-hop Rap Music and Subculture The topic I have chosen for this review is the association between a particular music genre and a subculture. In particular, the issue of focus is the association of the hip-hop rap genre with the black youth subculture in America. As a youth subculture, hip-hop emerged in the 1970s from New York City’s borough of the Bronx. The African American community was the root of the music genre, which gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s. As part of its growth

Friday, December 13, 2019

Demographic Factors Research Free Essays

string(78) " managers are trained through a comprehensive Management Development Program\." Running head: DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS RESEARCH Demographic Factors Research University of Phoenix MMPBL 560 Managing in a Cross-Cultural Environment October 19, 2009 Organizations around the world are experiencing the effects of cultural and global diversity. Kellogg, Starbucks, McDonald’s, and Arbor are four companies introduced in this paper. They have been researched in order to identify how each company is affected by demographic factors, how these factors are managed, and what systems are implemented to enhance the success of the business; thus, this paper illustrates the key course concepts and their application to the best practices of these companies. We will write a custom essay sample on Demographic Factors Research or any similar topic only for you Order Now The dynamics and dimensions of diversity in an increasingly global business environment can challenge the demographic factors of most organizations. Basically, Kottak and Kozaitis (2003) declare, â€Å"In the 21st century, the overwhelming majority of the world’s population, along with a large percentage of the populations of the United States and Canada, will be descendants of the non-Western groups† (Ch. 1, p. 29). In other words, organizations will need to learn how to manage the complexities of a diverse workforce. Among these complexities, organizations will encounter demographic factors such as age, race, education level, religion, political party preference, sexual orientation, and gender (Kottak Kozaitis, 2003). Because of these diverse factors, organizations need to be prepared to recognize the individuals’ behavior that is influenced by culture, values, and beliefs. To illustrate, culture refers to people’s identity in their traditions, customs, and way of life (Kottak Kozaitis, 2003). In fact, Kottak and Kozaitis (2003) declare that culture is all encompassing. In essence, it is important for organizations to know that individuals are influenced by popular culture as well. Therefore, individuals in a diverse workplace need to understand and respect each other’s differences. It is not enough to know that the workplace is composed of people with different views in life, values, and attitudes. Kottak and Kozaitis (2003) state that â€Å"Ethnic diversity may be associated with positive group interaction and coexistence or with conflict† (Ch. 5, p. 12). Knowing that diversity can be beneficial to the organization will help management integrate appropriate value systems within the company. However, in the event that conflict exists as a result of diversity, management would need to consider alternative best practices to address the organizational conflict. Given the complexities of a diverse workforce, organizations need to examine constantly alternative solutions to help them manage the demographic factors within the company. Kottak and Kozaitis (2003) declare that â€Å"Failure to achieve an accurate account and appreciation of a race-based group of people results in racism† (Ch. 6, p. 3). Certainly, organizations need to mitigate any potential and undesirable outcomes that can negatively affect the reputation and profitability of the business. To put it differently, â€Å"The great sociopolitical paradox of the contemporary world is that both integration and disintegration are increasing† (Kottak Kozaitis, 2003, Ch. 3, p. 5). In addition, globalization is contributing to the workforce diversity around the world, and organizations are continually being challenged to learn new ways to manage these changes. Organizations are not only challenged with internal changes but also with external forces such as economic and political factors. The importance of understanding the presence and influence of diversity that affect the contemporary American culture can prove enormously beneficial for any organization. In effect, organizations need to learn how to effectively manage the effects of demographic factors involving their planning and decision making in motivating and rewarding individuals (Kottak Kozaitis, 2003). Consider for instance, Kellogg started its business more than 100 years ago and has quickly expanded into new geographies, leading to a stead fast growth plan that provided them with a global business, which still stands strong today. While remaining a superior global food company, Kellogg’s management realized that they had to have the strongest possible resources to support their business growth in a diverse and competitive environment (Kellogg, 2009). Likewise, Starbucks is managing its competition challenges; the current economic conditions are factors that Starbucks needs to consider in order to market the new products to preserve its clientele and bring in new customers. Hence, Starbucks is wise to use the four P’s model; Price, Product, Place, and Promotion, to determine the course of action best suited to stay ahead of the competition. To be clear, both Kellogg and Starbucks are managing the effects of postmodernity; that is, â€Å"postmodertnity describes our time and situation—today’s world in flux, with people on the move who have learned to manage multiple identities depending on place and context† (Kottak Kozaitis, 2003, Ch. p. 29). To manage the influence of postmodernity within the context of demographic factors, Kellogg and Starbucks are implementing strategic approaches to aid them in their success involving global and cultural diversity. For example, Kellogg committed itself to developing a comprehensive and ground-breaking supplier diversity program. This program was to cultivate strategic procurement relationships with W/MBE-owned, controlled and operated businesses while supplying products and services Kellogg purchased; this would allow them to foster the growth of their business while marketing the long-term growth of Kellogg (Kellogg, 2009). Similarly, Starbucks expanded the menu to include products to target non-coffee drinkers, with the introduction of blended or iced cold coffee drinks, frappuccino’s, lattes, mocha’s, and teas. Starbucks creatively integrated a diverse menu consisting of bold aromas to creamy sweet flavors, attracting a range of customers to Starbucks at various times and for various reasons. Starbucks’ intention to satisfy the demographic factors has prompted management to add items on the menu for anyone willing to try; among them, Professionals heading to an early morning meeting needing a â€Å"stout† cup of coffee, housewives stopping for a late morning latte with friends after dropping the children at school and the high school and college students in search of Wi-Fi connection and snack (Kembell, 2002). Another company that has continued to strive for cultural adaptability in a diverse global environment is McDonald’s. This company is an organization that can be found in every country, servicing nearly 47 million customers around the world. Because of McDonald’s unique demographic factors, managers are trained through a comprehensive Management Development Program. You read "Demographic Factors Research" in category "Free Research Paper Samples" This program encompasses McDonald’s core values and principles along with the dedication to serve customers, the community, and employees (McDonald’s, 2009). One of the demographic factors affecting McDonald’s management planning involves the aging population in Australia. In other words, McDonald’s management is challenged with having to change its marketing approach in order to reach the newly identified groups (Monash University, 2009). Similar to Kellogg and Starbucks, McDonald’s management is searching for effective systems to help aid the company in addressing the increasing changes in demographics. Fortunately, McDonald’s continues to find strength on its business models in which McDonald’s management is â€Å"committed to exceeding [†¦] customers’ expectations in every restaurant every time† (McDonald’s, 2009). Accordingly, McDonald’s management recognizes that the company’s core values go beyond demographics, for this reason, McDonald’s philosophy declares, â€Å"We will seize every opportunity to innovate and lead the industry on behalf of our customers† (McDonald’s, 2009). Effectively, the best practices of McDonald’s, Starbucks and Kellogg demonstrate the dedication and commitment to learn and adopt successful systems that will help them serve customers regardless of demographic factors. Unquestionably, these organizations need to also integrate rewards and motivation systems to help them sustain a diverse workforce anywhere in the world. For example, Arbor Education and Training is a leading provider of workforce development services to job-seekers, workers, employers, and communities nationwide (Arbor E T, 2009). Arbor employees come from many different walks of life, employees of all ages, religions, and other factors; these employees are treated equally within the organization in decisions concerning rewards and performance. Kottak and Kozaitis (2003) state that â€Å"Cultural diversity refers to variation in institutions, traditions, language, customs, rituals, beliefs, and values† (Ch. 4, p. 6). In summary, organizations are required to continually scan their business environment in order to identify the challenges that come with a diverse workforce. Overall, Kellogg, Starbucks, McDonald’s, and Arbor are challenged with cultural diversity, yet each company is finding the way to integrate successful best practices in the workplace. As noted, the dimensions of diversity in relation to each demographic factor play a crucial role in how Kellogg, Starbucks, McDonald’s, and Arbor cope with the increasing changes of the business environment. Accordingly, the practices of these companies serve to address the presence of a diverse workforce in a constantly changing society. Synopsis of Kellogg by Wendy Harris Kellogg Company, a company with many competitive advantages in global communications, started its company more than 100 years ago and quickly expanded into new geographies. With a stead fast growth plan that provided them with a global business which still stands strong today. While remaining a superior global food company, Kellogg Company realized that they had to have the strongest possible resources to support their business growth. A great deal of that strength was acquired through raw materials and other products and services from the widest and best foundation of resources. During the building process, Kellogg Company committed itself to developing a comprehensive and ground-breaking supplier diversity program. This program was to cultivate strategic procurement relationships with W/MBE-owned, controlled and operated businesses while supplying products and services Kellogg purchased; this would allow them to foster the growth of their business while marketing the long-term growth of the Kellogg Company. Kellogg’s code of conduct, their management staff is required to hold certain employees to special responsibilities under the Code. Kellogg believes it’s their managers’ responsibility to create and maintain a work environment in which all employees and agents know that ethical and legal behavior is expected of them at all times. Each manager is expected to model the highest standards of ethical business conduct and encourage discussion of the ethical and unethical as well as the legal implications of business decisions. It is the mangers responsibility to make sure that anyone needing additional information in an effort to do his or her job receives appropriate policies and training. It is the managers’ responsibility not to hire or retain any employee or agent who they feel may engage in unlawful conduct or unethical activities. In 2005, Kellogg incorporated an awards program called the W. K. Kellogg Values Award, which is given annually to one individual and one team of employees who best exhibit the K Values while working. This program initiated to support their code of conduct as well as the company’s mission. Synopsis of Starbucks by Colleen Holdahl Young urban professionals consuming specialized coffees were the first to patronize Starbucks. Today the popular coffee chain attracts 25 million people each week and draws a large demographic of patrons varying in age and ethnic backgrounds (Hanft, 2005). The most common customer Starbucks attracts is of course, the coffee drinker, yet the company expanded the menu to include products to target non-coffee drinkers, with the introduction of blended or iced cold coffee drinks, frappuccino’s, lattes, mocha’s, and teas. With the presence of bold aromas to creamy sweet flavors, a range of customers are frequenting Starbucks at various times and for various reasons. Starbucks has items on the menu for anyone willing to try: Professionals heading to an early morning meeting needing a â€Å"stout† cup of coffee, housewives stopping for a late morning latte with friends after dropping the children at school and the high school and college students in search of Wi-Fi connection and snack (Kembell, 2002). Adding new products is a challenge as Starbucks must consider many factors. For example when the new Creme Frappuccino was created, Starbucks took into consideration the demographic areas to launch the drink, the market to target, and the packaging of the new product. Introducing the Creme Frappuccino, Starbucks faces a competition that the company has not previously experienced, with competitors imitating the Creme Frappuccino. Competition and the current economic condition, both are factors Starbucks needs to consider how to market the new products to preserve current patrons and bring in new customers. Starbucks is wise to use the four P’s model; Price, Product, Place, and Promotion, to determine the course of action, best suited to stay ahead of the competition. Emotions are potent internal influences described by Hawkins, Mothersbaugh, and Best (2007) as â€Å"strong, relatively uncontrollable feelings that affect behavior† (p. 364). Starbucks is in a controversy over the supposed injustice and treatment toward coffee growers in Ethiopia. The controversy deals with negative emotions of customers, due to the report that Starbucks deprives the Ethiopian growers of $90 Million annually by opposing the Ethiopian government’s efforts to trademark three locally grown coffee beans (Economist, para. ). The Creme Frappucino gives Starbucks an opportunity to offer a guilt-free alternative to non-coffee drinkers or patrons who oppose the Ethiopian controversy, during the time the legal and public-relations situation is in transition. Synopsis of McDonald’s by Marisela Jimenez McDonald’s is an organization that can be found in every country, servicing nearly 47 million customers around the world. Because of McDonald’s unique demographic factors, managers are trained through a comprehensive Management Development Program. This program encompasses McDonald’s core values and principles along with the dedication to serve customers, the community, and employees (McDonald’s, 2009). Hence, the demographic factors affecting McDonald’s vary from each country, yet management understands that by following McDonald’s philosophy, their planning can help mitigate the effects of each demographic factor. To illustrate, some of the demographic factors affecting McDonald’s management planning involves the aging population in Australia, the decline in birth rate, the changing family, the increase in ethnic diversity, and the population growth. In other words, McDonald’s management is challenged with having to change its marketing approach in order to reach the newly identified groups (Monash University, 2009). To address this organizational conflict involving the demographic factors, McDonald’s management focuses on its services and products. Accordingly, McDonald’s management is trained to approach each conflict with honesty and integrity (Monash University, 2009). Not only is McDonald’s management keeping up with the rapid demographic changes, they are also continuing to manage conflict by remaining committed to their principles. This means that McDonald’s management is â€Å"committed to exceeding [†¦] customers’ expectations in every restaurant every time† (McDonald’s, 2009). Fundamentally, McDonald’s best practices on dealing with organizational conflict are strongly carved on its philosophy; that is â€Å"We will seize every opportunity to innovate and lead the industry on behalf of our customers† (McDonald’s, 2009). Hence, McDonald’s management recognizes that their focus is every customer, regardless of age, ethnicity, sex, and location. McDonald’s is an organization that understands how to motivate and reward people. Consider for instance, McDonald’s has what is called People Promise. This means that McDonald’s promises to â€Å"value each and every employee, their growth and their contribution – every day in every way† (McDonald’s, 2009). McDonald’s managers recognize and respect each employee; each employee is empowered and coached. This organizational practice is found in every McDonald’s around the world, for this reason, McDonald’s prides itself on offering â€Å"more than a pay check to our employees. Our Crew members enjoy flexible schedules, paid training and the chance to have fun working with friends while learning valuable life skills† (McDonald’s, 2009). Synopsis of Arbor ET by Eduardo Mata Arbor Education and Training (Arbor E T) is a company with offices throughout the United States and have a very diverse workforce that demonstrates a unique demographic factor. Arbor Education and Training is a leading provider of workforce development services to job-seekers, workers, employers and communities nationwide (Arbor E T, 2009). Arbor employees come from many different walks of life, employees of all ages, religions, and other factors and these employees are treated equally within the organization when it comes to decisions concerning rewards and performance. Founded in 1968, Arbor ET is now the largest single supplier of job-related education, counseling and employment assistance under federally funded programs such as the Workforce Investment Act and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families programs (Arbor E T, 2009). Management planning for many of its customers receiving federally funded assistance requires that certain guidelines are followed and because of being federally funded and services provided must meet the customer’s requirements and expectations along with the government regulations. Arbor E T provides services to a wide variety of customers seeking employment, education or training and also provide excellent services to migrant and seasonal farm workers and United States Veterans seeking employment and other services. Training is provided to the entire workforce in providing the best services possible to each group. Arbor management is committed to providing the leadership, training, and resources required to enable our employees to consistently adhere to regulatory requirements, to tirelessly seek improvement of our processes, and to continue to provide world-class services to all of our customers. We are dedicated and caring people who form a company providing excellent human services that enhance the lives of individuals. The company rewards its employees based on employee performance and whether their goals were met for the preceding year. As found in Arbor E T (2009): Our goal is to be known by our clients and by the workforce development community as the leading provider of services in the markets we serve, i. e. , One-Stops, TANF, youth, early childhood education, and vocational training programs. Our quality management system is a critical element of our effort to achieve this goal. † References Arbor. (2009). Arbor education and training. Retrieved October 17, 2009 from http://ww w. arboret. com/ Hanft, Adam. (April 1, 2005). What you can learn from starbucks. Retrieved October 13, 2009 from http://www. inc. com/resources/marketing/articles/20050401/starbucks. html. Hawkins, D. , Mothersbaugh, D. and Best, R. (2007). The Economist. Consumer behavior: building marketing strategy. Retrieved October 13, 2009 from http://highered. mcgraw- hill. com/sites/0073101370/information_center_view0/revision_changes. html. Kellogg Company. (2009). Kellogg company. Retrieved October 17, 2009, from http://www2. kelloggs. com/General. aspx? ID=466 Kellogg Company. (2003). We act with integrity and show respect in everything we do. Retrieved from http://files. shareholder. com/downloads/K/749861120x0x196418/ ec25a03a-7081-450d- a942-16ee7ad2ee1b/GlobalCodeofEthic. df Kembell, B. (April 2002). Catching the starbucks fever: starbucks marketing strategy. Missouri State University. Kottak, C. P. , Kozaitis, K. A. (2003). On being different: diversity and multiculturalism in the north american mainstream. (2nd ed. ). New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies. McDonald’s. (2009). Our story. [Online]. Available: http://www. mcdonalds. ca/en/aboutus/index. aspx (2009, O ctober 16). Monash University. (2009). Briohny’s report. [Online]. Available: http://www. monash. edu. au/lls/llonline/writing/business-economics/marketing/3. 3. 2. xml (2009, October 16). | |MMPBL/560 Demographic Factors Research Rubric | |Week 2 | | | | | | | |Criterion |Unsatisfactory |Satisfactory |Exceptional |Score | |Knowledge of Course Concepts (40%) | |Describe the Effects of Demographic|Demonstrates a level of knowledge|Demonstrates a level of knowledge |Demonstrates a level of knowledge that |2. 00 | |Factors on Management Planning. that is below the requirement |that meets the requirement |meets or exceeds the requirement and is | | | | | |well supported | | |Analyze the Role Demographic |Demonstrates a level of knowledge|Demonstrates a level of knowledge |Demonstrates a level of knowledge that |1. 33 | |Factors Play in Contributing to |that is below the requirement |that meets the requirement |meets or exceeds the requirement and is | | |Organizational Conflict. | |well supported | | |Examine the Influence of |Demonstrates a level of knowledge|Demonstrates a level of knowledge |Demonstrates a level of knowledge that |1. 33 | |Demographic Factors on Individual |that is below the requirement |that meets the requirement |meets or exceeds the requirement and is | | |Rewards and Recognition. | | |well supported | | |Research (20%) | |Provide Benchmark Research on |The benchmarked companies’ |The benchmarked companies’ |In addition to meeting the requirements of|  2. 0 | |Organizational Applications of |situations do not relate to the |situations relate to the course |satisfactory, the benchmarked companies’ | | |Course Objectives |course concepts, or are not |concepts and are researched from |situations provide a thorough coverage of | | | |researched from academic or trade|academic or trade publication |course objectives | | | |publication sources |sources. The score is ranged | | | | | |between satisfactory and | | | | | |exceptional. | | | |Critical Thinking (15%) | |Demonstrate Critical Thought in |Does not demonstrate critical |Demonstrates critical thought in |In addition to meeting requirements of |1. 0 | |Analyzing Information |thought in the analysis of the |analyzing the information by |satisfactory, synthesizes information | | | |information, or analysis is |presenting various perspectives on|across concepts effectively | | | |disjointed |the concepts | | | |Written Communication (15%) | |Demonstrate Quality and |Written communication is |Written communication is effective|In addition to meeting requirements of |2. 5 | |Effectiveness in Written |ineffective, with numerous | |satisfactory, the paper is engaging to the| | |Communication |spelling and grammatical errors | |reader with concise and clear | | | |or poorly constructed sentences | |communication | | |Format, Style Citation Standards (10%) | |Adhere to University of Phoenix |Numerous errors in format, style,|Few errors in form at, style, or |Virtually no errors in format, style, or |1. 25 | |Writing Style (APA) Requirements |or reference citation |reference citation |reference citation | | |Final Score== |12. 1 | | | |Team B, | | | |The overall submission was interesting and well written. The concept of management planning was thoroughly researched and discussed. All of the companies clearly | |described the organizational conflict except for Arbor and Starbucks omitted the section on research and recognition. All of the companies were demonstrated as | |benchmarked companies that addressed the concepts; however, in some instances a piece was omitted. The score was reduced under critical thought because only | |comparisons were addressed and not all concepts were covered. The written communication was well done and only a minor APA formatting issue was noted. Your research | |section as the instructor’s plagiarism checker noted consisted of an 13% plagiarism rate. The instructor’s plagiarism checker also checks past student papers, as well| |as a more thorough Internet search. Not everyone turned in their team evaluation; however, by the way it looks everyone participated equally in the group. Good | |work! | | | How to cite Demographic Factors Research, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Challenge Facing Internet of Things †

Question: Discuss about the Interoperability for Challenge Facing Internet of Things. Answer: Introduction This report is based on concept of security and privacy in Internet of Things (IoT). Internet of Things is a term that refers to connection of devices to internet. There are multiple devices that are connected to Internet that includes home appliances, mobile devices, and medical equipments for monitoring patients and computers systems that are used at different workplaces and for education purpose. According to another definition of IoT, it is a network of inter-connected objects that is used for collection and exchange of data to different locations by using embedded sensors. With the enhancement of IoT, the conversation about this topic is increasing continuously at workplaces. IoT is not only a concept about how we live but it is about how we work. Whether usage of IoT is highly preferred to use in business organizations, but there are lots of complexities found around the IoT. Besides these complexities, some major issues are also found in IoT and these issues are concerned with security and privacy of Internet of Things. The purpose of making this report is to emphasize on these main issues of IoT and also provide some recommendations to resolve these issues. The major topics that we will cover here in this report are challenges, technologies, research questions and applications of IoT and its impact on real life of its users (, 2017). There is not only one industry that is related to IoT. Various industries such as retail, manufacturing, banks, logistics etc. are influenced with challenges of IoT that are discussed in next segment of report. Challenges of Internet of Things Following are some essential challenges of IoT that must be considered by its users. Privacy Security Development Standards The maintenance of privacy has become a big challenge for developers of IoT. There are connected devices that are used for sending and receiving data over different networks in IoT. So there are various chances to violation of privacy of users data. It is matter of trust of users that they use IoT for their different purposes. That is why, it is duty of developers to maintain high level of privacy (, 2017). Security maintenance is also a challenging part of Internet of Things. The common security issues found in IoT are hacking, phishing, DDoS attacks and another virus attacks. These attacks put very harmful impact over databases, servers and other systems or devices that are connected with IoT and consists of huge amount of data of customers. The appropriate usage of advanced security techniques and tools is necessary to use by IoT developers (IoT Agenda, 2017). IoT holds promise in various emerging economies to deliver effective social and economic benefits. But due to critical challenges of IoT in areas where lack of market readiness, policy requirements and technical skills are found, there development of IoT is less among IT users. It is a challenge for IoT to enhance its development in these areas (Meola, 2017). Another challenging factor of IoT is lack of open practices and standards for devices that are connected with IoT. Indeed, every device that is connected with IoT has its own standards and specifications that may cause conflicts in networks while transferring of data. That is why it will be better to apply open practices and standards to Internet of Things for better communication and information sharing among people (Olavsrud, 2017). Problem of Internet of Things Besides above discussed challenges of IoT, there are also some problems found in IoT by its uses and that problems are listed as below: One of the major problems of IoT is regarding nature of IoT. The devices connected with IoT consists of different data sets and also belong to different data streams. This thing causes some issues in Management of data (com, 2017). Another identified problem in IoT is related to monitoring and tracking of devices. The applications of IoT are deep and wide in size and these are used at different workplaces that are virtually connected with IoT. Due to this, some problems are found in monitoring and tracking of hijacking of these devices that can be a big problem for IoT. The relevant technologies of IoT are required to resolve problems and challenges of IoT regarding security and privacy of data. These technologies will help to maintain security and privacy of devices that are connected with IoT and data that is saved into these devices. Some relevant technologies for IoT are listed as below (Network World, 2017): First relevant technology is for network security. As we know that huge amount of data is transferred over IoT through devices that are connected with it through networks. The security of these networks is important to maintain by using network monitoring tools such as Wireshark (Prophet Thinking, 2017). Another relevant technology that will be beneficial to use by IoT is authentication for maintaining security. The authentication of devices that are connected with IoT is required, so that no unauthorized access can be implemented. It is also important to maintain security and privacy of multiple users who are transferring and receiving data through IoT devices (Roe, 2017). In this case, biometrics, digital certificate techniques can be used (com, 2017). Encryption technique is also a relevant technology that can be used by developers of IoT to proper security. It is a technique to transfer data over network in unreadable format that is hard to understand by hackers. It is one of the best ways to maintain internet security (Mitchell, 2017). Applications of Technologies The relevant technologies of IoT that are used for security and privacy purposes have several applications areas. All those business organizations and other workplaces where IoT is used to perform different business activities, there these relevant applications can be used. The term Internet of Things (IoT) is cleared to all IT users. But still there are some points that are required to clear to users. After research on this topic, we got following research questions and with these research questions IT users wants to get clarification about these queries. Question 1: What is interesting use of IoT? Answer: According to analysis, we got to know that the most interesting and significant use of IoT is use of sensors that can be used to sense infective awareness in cities. Question 2: Which factor enhances the benefits of IoT? Answer: The most important factor of IoT that enhances its benefits is interoperability. This factor of interoperability is required to create programming of devices and sensors that have possibility of full connected experience. Issues of IoT discussed in Report The main issues of IoT that are discussed in report are related to its security, privacy, development and standards. These issues are required to monitor and control by IoT developers by doing all potential efforts. Besides this information about issues of IoT, another important information that we would like to discuss here in this report is about data breaching that is occurred due to cyber-attack. With the frequent use of IoT devices, physical inaccuracy is found in these devices and it further leads to lack of security and privacy of data i.e. data breaching. Besides this, issues of repetition of accessing data and high risk of security also occur (, 2017). In above segments of this report, all essential issues regarding IoT are discussed in detail. But an important issue is left to discuss in this report and that important issue is regarding storage issue. The issue of storage of data is not a small issue because multiple devices are connected with IoT. If data of all devices that are connected with IoT, will not be stored properly then issue of lack of security and privacy can occur. With the increment in connected devices to IoT, this problem is also increasing. In this case, to handle this issue, some policies are made by IoT developers regarding storage of data online. According to this policy, it is necessary to decide that what type of information is required to store on IoT devices and for how long. In this way, only important information will be stored on IoT devices for a specific period of time (McKinsey Company, 2017). Effect of discussed issues and their applications on Real Life IoT has big influence over real life of its customers because they store their large amount of data on devices that are connected with IoT. In this report, we have already discussed about issues and challenges of IoT and these are directly put influence on data of users. Data breaching, hacking, phishing etc. are common issues that can damage users data that is sent and received over network. Therefore, it is priority of IoT developers to be careful about these issues and keep promise to provide error free issues service to users. After this whole discussion about IoT, we got to know that IoT is an advanced term of Information Technology that has already become popular among people worldwide due to its unique features to manage huge amount of data of different devices. Therefore, business organizations should use this technology for better Management of business data. But in this report, we have also emphasized on security issues of IoT and another challenges. These things are important to keep in mind while using any IoT service. The developers should be aware about new security technology that can be used for handling above discussed IoT issues and problems. Any service of information technology is concerned with issues of security and privacy of data and in this case techniques like cryptography, network monitoring and use of anti-virus and firewall etc. will be helpful. References Olavsrud, T. (2017). 5 Key Challenges Facing the Industrial Internet of Things. CIO. Retrieved 4 May 2017, from (2017). 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